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Penny Young

Hello all, i am one of three creators of this group, web site and blog.I am originally from Wales,but now live in Canada.I am currently studying with OBOD and i am also with RDNA.I identify as a pagan druid and would describe my path as "coming home to a place i have always been".For all paths eventually lead home, we hear our calling, from trees,rivers, mountains and streams, the landscape does speak to us.For me personally druidry is a living breathing spiritual, and philosophical path, that follows the cycles of nature, and in turn the nature of ourselves.My path is as whimsical as my inner child,the intuitive and mercurial creature that i am.I draw on inspiration from myths and legends,the bards of old,and the country that did give me birth.From the rock and the stones and the blood and the bones, the twilight does come a calling.

Julie Anglehart

Bonjour! Let me introduce myself. I am one of the three creators of this site, blog and group. I am Canadian, speak french and english and am most definitly curious. I am studying with O.B.O.D and am a 2nd order RDNA druid.

I have always been a child of nature and am most happy outdoors in the thick of some adventure or simply sitting beneath the trees listening to the birds and wind.

                   Karen Cummings

Welcome to Twig & Torc Grove, my name is Karen and I am one of the creating members here. Being a transplant from North Carolina to Quebec, with a Great Grandmother hands on healer from the Appalachians, and a tea leaf diviner Scottish Grandmother from Ontario, my ancestry was bound to influence and nurture my passions. Experiencing a pull toward Druidry led me to plant a circle of cedars 20 years ago and has since developed into one of the sacred sites on our farm here in Quebec, as well as, a grouping of trees near a spring having turned into what I call “The Grove,” including a young oak named Serin, and a stone cromlech alter to name but a few. 

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