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There is just something about twilight isn't there. That time of betwixt and between when the sun is dipping below the horizon, and in the gloom of the half light, shadows are creeping in. As we are winding down, the creatures of the night, are stirring, from their slumber and rest. The stir, of echoes, of the wolves, foxes and owls, as the fireflies twinkle in the night air. The sky is draped in endless stream of colour, like an artists canvas, the picture unfolds, in all its majesty, ever changing, in it's hues and formation, from the deep energizing oranges and pinks, to the cool blues, and pearly silver hues. The jewels of the sky shine upon the landscape, and we are bathed in starlight and moonlight. One has but, to sit and watch, to be carried away on the seamless tides, of subliminal thought, and being totally present in that moment, instead of looking to the past or the future, this is a very life affirming, practice, as beauty is all around us, if we are but, open to it. The phrase "stop to smell the roses" comes to mind. In an age where technological advances, have and are governing our lives, this seems to be a practice, that most people, feel they don't have the time for. What is time, but a way to measure away our existence. our dreams, and meaningful experiences. I would argue that many people do not have presence, as they strive to survive in todays economical environment. It would seem that happiness is short lived, and consumerism has become part of the norm. It is for that very reason, we look to emotionally connect, to a meaningful experience. For some that might be twilight and for others, that might be something that gets there imagination flowing. Imagination is one of the most wonderful gifts that we have. The ability to create, and be part of that creation, to be able to visualize, words. A story unfolds, and before we know it we are deep in thought, with what is being presented to us. Another form of vision is dreaming, this form of vision, is pure unconscious thought, it can be as mundane as the past events of the day, or as unsettling as a child suffering from night terrors, and haunted by nightmares. Lucid dreaming can often remain with us, upon waking, where you can recall your dream. These dreams are often the ones that have a deep impact on us, perhaps a meaningful message, as they permeate our waking consciousness. The inner and the outer worlds, are alchemical, and causal to each other, we have such a disconnect within our own being in a holistic sense, that it is common for problems to manifest themselves physically, when we haven't taken the time digest, absorb, and work with our problems, ignorance, is not a solution, or whole root cause, it just delays it,s onset. Of course how we deal with such problems, is a personal matter, there are many tools, techniques that can aid us with such troubles, a plethora of therapies, that may help people, catering to all tastes, first detect what ails them, the root cause, process of elimination, and then there are tools that can be used to heal a persons body and psyche, and spiritual needs, treating the body as a whole and not just focusing upon the physical. Western medicine, seems to focus on the symptoms rather than the causes, and in cases of the terminally ill, it is always advised to approach both medicinal practices, so that the persons well being is taken care of from all angles and perspectives. Life is precious, in all it's expression, and emotional connection and feeling, to be numbed by it, is not to live. So what is it about twilight that calls to us ? Is it the melancholy feeling, of impending doom ? For one cannot know darkness without the light, balance is all, or is it ? It might be the winding down of the rhythm of the day, or is it acceptance and surrender, and why twilight and not dawn ? Maybe it is all of these things and more, so profound, so sublime that it requires no explanation, but needs to be sensed and felt, and it should perhaps remain as mysterious, and magical as it is, for not all things require logical thinking. I think i will let you decide for yourself, after all, it is good to contemplate and ponder.

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